Decluttering your home is not as difficult as it may seem, let’s be honest everyone has clutter in their homes whether we want to admit it or not. A cluttered home is not just toxic for your health it can lead to stress. Here are simple steps to help declutter your home from the living room to the kitchen.

How do we begin
Let us start with the living room, it is usually the first place your guests walk into, and can come off as disorganized or messy if there are excess amounts of items. Here are steps to making your living room look put together and sophisticated.
- Organize the coffee table
- Declutter your entertainment center
- Organize your bookshelf
- Pick up unused accessories
The bedroom is the second most important area in the home and a perfect way to start getting it organised, is by removing the piles of clothes in it and cleaning out the closets. Here are also steps to making your bedroom clutter free;
- Declutter the wardrobe
- Install hooks on the back of the door
- Install Corner Shelves
- Add in storage pieces as needed
After the bedroom, for those with children their room is yet another major clutter zone. In three steps you can declutter their room, first
- Go through the kids’ toys with them
- Divide room into sections
- Purchase storage boxes
Now the bathroom, let’s face it— you haven’t used some products in your cabinet in months, dispose of them.
- Pull all items out of the bathroom
- Install Wall-Mounted holders
- Wash or discard rugs and towels
Take a few minutes out of your day to organize and declutter the final room in your home, the kitchen.
- Reduce pots, pans and Tupperware
- Tackle the “junk” drawer
- Clean out the fridge
- Eliminate excess decorations
You are now an expert in organizing each room in your home, from tackling your living room mess to removing unnecessary items from your kitchen or cleaning out your bathroom.

A Decluttered Home