3 STEPS TO PREVENTING HOUSE FIRE may not cover the many intense steps taught to HSE experts. However it could just save your life and those of your loved ones.

An accessible Extinguisher
So the first step and the most important is to have a fire escape plan. A plan you will rehearse with your family or neighbors at least two times in a year. How and what do you practice? You practice your escape; go down on your stomach and forearm to where there is more oxygen and crawl out. You can practice this with your eyes closed, knowing that electricity may be out and it may be dark, practice till you know the route blind folded. You should also note the exit and entrance doors on your property. Make it a fun game to spot the second exit once you are in a new building, giving you an alternative for you in case the main door is blocked.
The second is an old scout motto BE PREPARED. No one is hoping you experience a fire, but as you hope for the best, you should also expect the worst, so be prepared to escape at all times. Always be prepared for a house fire and confirm that your fire alarms, fire extinguishers,and smoke detectors work. A plus is to have an adjustable ladder in case your escape is to be from a window or the roof.
Finally step 3 make safety a habit, you can prevent house fires by taking simple safety precautions. Simply educating those around you especially children. Always turning off your gas when you leave the kitchen. Keep highly flammable items outside the house (gas, gasoline, firewood others). Use lighters as opposed to match sticks. Avoid candles and exposed flames like fireworks inside the house.