All posts tagged: Realestate

Title to Land in Nigeria

Title to Land and the use of land in Nigeria is governed by the Land Use Act (Cap. L5, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004) (“the Act”).

The Act entrusts all land in urban area of each state, to the State Governor, while land in rural area is vested in the Local government within their area of jurisdiction (this excludes land vested in the Federal Government).

This Act was meant to standardize land administration in the Country.

Registration of property to get a valid title to land in Nigeria is evidenced through:
Rei ObaigboTitle to Land in Nigeria
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Why Invest In Nigerian Real Estate

Why Invest In Nigerian Real Estate? First ask, what is Real Estate?

Real estate simply means the buying or leasing of properties that are residential or commercial. Properties like Flats, terrace apartments, detached houses,maisonettes, Condos, warehouses, office buildings, shopping malls, parking lots to name a few.

Why invest in Nigerian Real Estate you ask? Here are 7 reasons why people invest in real estate;

Rei ObaigboWhy Invest In Nigerian Real Estate
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4 Safety Tips for Driving During Rainy Season

4 Safety Tips for driving during this rainy season, knowing that driving while it rains heavily can be very difficult and in some cases dangerous. Whenever you are driving and there is a heavy downpour, it is important you drive slowly and carefully as the wet roads and visibility low which increases the danger. However, we would like to share with you 4 safety tips to help keep you safe and to avoid any accident while driving this rainy season.

4 Safety Tips

4 Safety Tips to driving in the rainy season

Headlights: Headlights help light up the road and make the road more visible to you and other drivers, so when driving in the rain it’s advised that you utilize them. Most Toyota cars (popular in Nigeria) have fog lights, for more visibility, it’s more difficult to spot a car coming in the opposite direction when they do not use their lights. 

Hydroplaning: Hydroplaning occurs when you drive on wet roads and high speed.. You must ensure not to make sudden motion because you might lose control of your car . It is very important you drive slowly and avoid speeding when there is heavy downpour and don’t drive close to other cars so you won’t have to stop suddenly. 

Windscreen: First of all ensure cracks and damages on your windscreen are fixed immediately. Then ensure your wiper is functioning well and replace old wipers which are sold in traffic all over lagos. They help free your windscreen from clogs and blurring moist. These two steps alone and now you can see 5 times clearer even in a heavy downpour. 

Be alert: Always look out for large vehicles such as trucks and trailers while driving because they lose control during heavy rainstorm and most drivers find it very difficult driving under such wet weather. Always keep some distance from big vehicles on the road at all times when driving to avoid accidents.

Rei Obaigbo4 Safety Tips for Driving During Rainy Season
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How To Declutter Your Home

Decluttering your home is not as difficult as it may seem, let’s be honest everyone has clutter in their homes whether we want to admit it or not. A cluttered home is not just toxic for your health it can lead to stress. Here are simple steps to help declutter your home from the living room to the kitchen.

how to declutter your home

How do we begin

Let us start with the living room, it is usually the first place your guests walk into, and can come off as disorganized or messy if there are excess amounts of items. Here are steps to making your living room look put together and sophisticated. 

  • Organize the coffee table
  • Declutter your entertainment center
  • Organize your bookshelf
  • Pick up unused accessories

The bedroom is the second most important area in the home and a perfect way to start getting it organised, is by removing the piles of clothes in it and cleaning out the closets. Here are also steps to making your bedroom clutter free;

  • Declutter the wardrobe
  • Install hooks on the back of the door
  • Install Corner Shelves
  • Add in storage pieces as needed

After the bedroom, for those with children their room is yet another major clutter zone. In three steps you can declutter their room, first

  • Go through the kids’ toys with them
  • Divide room into sections
  • Purchase storage boxes

Now the bathroom, let’s face it— you haven’t used some products in your cabinet in months, dispose of them.

  • Pull all items out of the bathroom
  • Install Wall-Mounted holders
  • Wash or discard rugs and towels

Take a few minutes out of your day to organize and declutter the final room in your home, the kitchen.

  • Reduce pots, pans and Tupperware
  • Tackle the “junk” drawer
  • Clean out the fridge
  • Eliminate excess decorations

You are now an expert in organizing each room in your home, from tackling your living room mess to removing unnecessary items from your kitchen or cleaning out your bathroom.

how to declutter your home

A Decluttered Home

Rei ObaigboHow To Declutter Your Home
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Indoor Plants that helps improve the air quality of your home

The truth is, your indoor is not entirely safe.

Do you know there are volatile organic compounds in the air of your home due to the presence of furniture, upholstery, and the use of cleaning products on the floor and surfaces? Exposure to these compounds could lead to symptoms such as a headache, vomiting, drowsiness, liver and kidney damage, swelling of the lungs, coma etc This is not to make you panic but to enlighten.

The use of houseplants.

Plants have been known to purify the air. It is one of their many superpowers. They can absorb a lot of these compounds that are present in the air.

  1. Golden Palm: The Golden Palm is the most effective at removing this compound from your indoor air. The Golden Palm features feathery, arching fronds. It removes formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the air.
  2. Aloe Vera: Most of us know the Aloe Vera as a miracle skin saver. It’s been known to heal minor wounds eight days faster than regular dressing. But did you know it’s also a major air cleaner? In addition to its place in your beauty regimen, Aloe Vera removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air.

3. Dwarf Date Palm
The Date Palm Dwarf is a popular ornamental indoor plant grown for its beautiful feather leaves. They grow well in Nigeria’s tropical climate and make easy gardening for the novice gardener. They are easy to plant and care for. The Date Palm Dwarf removes formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air.4. Bamboo Palm
The bamboo palm is a very popular house plant which has 3 different kinds, is all easy to grow indoors or in containers: The dwarf, the bamboo, and the hardy bamboo. All are members of the Chamaedorea branch of the palm family along with the parlor palm, cat palm, and metallic palm. Its leaf display will vary from a finer feather looking to a broader across leaf depending on where it is native.

5. Areca Palm
The areca palm, also called the yellow butterfly palm, bamboo palm and golden cane palm is one of the easiest palm trees to grow indoors. It’s relatively disease-free and topped a NASA study of the 10 best air purifying plants. This palm tree, with its long, graceful feather-shaped fronds, will add a tropical feel to your home and is especially well suited for screened patios and atriums.


These plants are easy to care for and low maintenance.

We remain your trusted Partner, Creating Value.

Pelumi OduleyeIndoor Plants that helps improve the air quality of your home
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How do I reduce my energy charge?

“Why is my energy charge high?”.

As a real estate company providing facility management services, the above question is one we hear a lot. Not only have we answered this, we have also gone ahead to answer how you can reduce your energy  charge.

Energy bill


In Nigeria,the lack of constant supply of power is one of the  major cause of a high energy charge. In the absence of power supply, the facility managers have to rely on Diesel or Petrol which is a more expensive alternative.

Nonetheless, you can still reduce your energy charge by observing the following:

  1. Using Air Conditioner:
  • Have your appliances serviced and put into efficient operating condition.
  • Turn off appliance when not in use.
  • If you desire a constant cool temperature, you should use a programmable timer and thermostat control. ( Each 1oC reduction of the thermostat will save about 10% on your energy usage)
  • Retain heat or cool air inside your home by using fabric window coverings instead of using the more fashionable shades or blinds. Use a liner for extra weather protection in raining season and as a light cover in dry season.

  • Choose the right equipment – strike the right balance between budget and effectiveness.


  1. When using other equipment/appliance

 energy efficiency- energy charge

  • When acquiring new appliances for the house, it is advisable to buy appliances with a good energy rating (i.e. total wattage output). This has a major impact on energy consumption at home.
  • Use energy saver bulb, though more expensive than high wattage bulbs, it lasts longer and saves you cost on energy consumption.
  • Choose energy-efficient refrigerator: Refrigerator is working non-stop and the energy it consumes adds up quickly.
  • Regulate your Heat Water Usage: A continuous working water heater consumes a lot of energy which is not ideal. When you operate your water heater efficiently by regulating thermostat, it reduces energy usage as soon as the water heater cut-off while you can still continue to enjoying hot water in your bathroom until the water temperature reduces.
  • Unplug electric appliances and components when they’re not in use, as they draw power and increase your bill even when not operating.

Our property management team at Fieldco Limited can help you effectively by keeping track of maintenance requests and ensure you stay efficient.

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Pelumi OduleyeHow do I reduce my energy charge?
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5 Basic Tips for Investing In Real Estate

If you’re just beginning to invest in real estate, you’ll find that there’s a lot to learn. Investing in Real estate  is more complicated than investing in stocks because of the financial, legal, and extensive due diligence requirements involved. That’s why it’s a good idea to give yourself a solid education before you purchase your first investment property.

However, before you get your advanced degree, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals. To that end, here are 5 basic tips for investing in real estate.

1. Location Matters

The old adage that “location matters” is most accurate when it comes to investing in real estate . Before you fork over a down payment and put yourself in a significant amount of debt over a property, ensure that it’s in a good location.

Look for the worst house on the best street. That’s a principle you’ll come across quite a bit as you delve into further real estate investing advice.

You want to invest in the worst house on the best street because it gives you an opportunity to build equity. It’s a property in a great neighborhood (“the best street”) that needs some work (“the worst house”). You can invest some money to fix it up and sell it to someone else who wants a ready-to-move-in house in a fabulous location. Professional real estate investors call this “fixing and flipping.”

2. Look for Wholesale Properties

Investing in real estate is just like investing in the stock market in at least one way: you’re looking for the best deal. If you’re a savvy stock market investor, you probably won’t buy too many stocks at their high if you plan on holding them for a long time. Instead, you’ll follow the Warren Buffet principle of getting greedy when everyone else gets fearful. You’ll buy stocks that are beaten down and make a fortune when they turn around.
That’s what you want to do when it comes to real estate investing. Avoid paying “full price” for properties. Instead, look for so-called wholesale properties that are offered at a steep discount. Sure, they’ll probably need some work. Run the numbers and see if the investment in rehab is worth the ultimate selling price.

As noted at ThinkConveyance: “You can easily invest $20,000 in a property and add twice that much to the selling price. That’s why real estate investing is so attractive to investors who want to maximize their return on investment.”

3. Understand the Tax Benefits
The people who run our government want private investors to provide housing for people. That’s because they know that if private investors don’t provide housing, then the government will be responsible for it.

To that end, Uncle Sam offers significant tax benefits to real estate investors. The most significant benefit, arguably, is the depreciation write-off. When you buy an investment property that includes a building, you get to write off the depreciation of that building as a tax deduction. You’ll have to consult your tax advisor for specifics, but basically you can expect to depreciate a residential building over 27 years and a commercial building over 39 and a half years.

Again, it’s a good idea to consult your tax advisor about specifics.

4. Check Your Credit Report

You’re more than likely going to need to borrow money to buy real estate. That’s why you should check your credit report before you begin investing in real estate.

If you have problems on your credit report that are mistakes, get those resolved as quickly as possible. If you have problems that are legitimate, then you’ll need to work to improve your credit.

Simply put, banks aren’t going to loan money to you for a property that’s not your primary residence as readily as they’ll loan it to you for your own home. That’s why your credit has to be spectacular.

5. Use the “1% Rule”

If you’re planning on buying a property that you’ll rent out one or more tenants, use the “1% Rule” when you decide whether or not the property is worth the price you’ll pay for it.

The 1% Rule simply states that an income producing property must produce 1% of the price you pay for it every month. For example, if you’re looking at buying a property for $150,000, then the monthly rental income should be 150,000 x 1% = $1,500.

Wrapping It Up

Real estate investing offers the potential for fabulous returns. However, people have also bankrupted themselves investing in real estate. Be sure that you know what’s involved before you start.

Pelumi Oduleye5 Basic Tips for Investing In Real Estate
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Land Purchase in Nigeria – A Legal Perspective

Land purchase on your mind, but you are concerned if  you have the right documentation?

In reality, land purchase in Nigeria can be both frustrating and rewarding, but for those who carry out their due diligence and are armed with the right information, it often proves a fruitful venture. To avoid the frustration, this article is for you.

Land Purchase in Nigeria

Generally, title to land, land tenure and the administration of land in Nigeria is governed by the Land Use Act (“LUA”). The LUA was enacted in 1978 and it vests all lands in every state in the state governors who hold such land in trust for the common benefit of Nigerians (except land vested in the Federal Government or any Agency of the Federal Government).

As a potential purchaser looking at land purchase , there are 3 basic steps to take to ensure you purchase a good title:

1 – Investigation of Title to Land:

Generally before you engage in any land purchase, you need proof of ownership from the vendor, to ensure that he is the rightful owner of the said property and that he has can actually assign title to you as a purchaser. Usually, these documents are sufficient to prove title – Certificate of Occupancy, Deed of Assignment or Deed of Conveyance, Registered Title or Court Vesting Order.

After physical siting those documents and/or obtaining copies, as a would be purchaser, you need to be 100% convinced that – the documents are valid, that the vendor is who he says he is, that there are no encumbrances on the property, that the property described is what is being sold and that there are no disputes on the property. Thus, due diligence searches should first and foremost be conducted in the following places:

  • Search at the Lands Registry
  • Corporate Affairs Commission
  • Probate registry,
  • Look out for traditional evidence, court judgments and conduct a physical inspection

For properties located in highbrow areas or to be purchased from influential individuals, investigate the profile of the vendors to ascertain such persons are not wanted by government agencies such as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.

However, after all is said and done, there are some property which do not have any documentation. Usually family or communal property in remote areas, who have not perfected their title. Even when a search is conducted, nothing of significance might be revealed. Here, investigation conducted will rely on traditional evidence i.e. – inquiry of traditional leaders, community heads and family heads, etc. This is usually arises and validity is given by the “deemed grant of right of occupancy, where the individual has occupied the land prior to the coming of the Land Use Act of 1978. They could be deemed as customary landowners. So, although the owner might not have a deed of assignment or certificate of occupancy, his ownership of the land cannot be defeated except it is expressly revoked by the state governor.

2 – Transfer of Title:

After your due diligence has been conducted, you are satisfied with the result of your search and ascertained that the vendor has a good title to the land, the next step is the transfer of title from the vendor to the purchaser. One common and vital document in property purchase is the Deed of Assignment which is used in assigning interest in law

The Deed of assignment can be prepared by the purchaser’s solicitor and vetted by the vendor or his solicitor after which the documents would be executed by parties and their witnesses. At this stage any the agreed purchase price would be paid by the Purchaser.

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3 – Perfection of Title:

This is a very critical part of land purchase activity. These include application for Governor’s consent, payment of stamp duties and registration of conveyance or assignment at the Lands Registry. This is done in order to ensure compliance with the law and protect the validity of the purchaser’s title to the property.

However, it is important to note that the mere issuance of a Certificates of Occupancy does not and cannot confer title in respect of the land in dispute where no such title either existed or was available to be transferred to anyone.

The purchase of a land is generally a risky business. Buyers need to beware and sceptical about every transaction.


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Pelumi OduleyeLand Purchase in Nigeria – A Legal Perspective
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5 Crucial Things to Look Out For Before Buying a House

Do you know that buying a house is almost like preparing for a wedding?. A Thirty- Minute or One Hour home inspection counts for nothing in a home you’ll spend years or forever living in. It is not enough that you have decided on a house budget, the type of house you want, or the preferred location for your dream home, there are still a few crucial things to look out for before buying a property. Here are a few of them:

1 – Take your eyes off the aesthetics for a minute and focus on the building:

5 crucial things to look out for before you buying a house

You will definitely not be thinking of the fine coloured painting of your home when your sleep is rudely interrupted by the drops of water coming from your leaking roof. Cleverly placed mirrors, strategic lighting, delicious smells, are all tricks sellers use to make their home more appealing. While the beauty and aesthetics of a house is important, sooner or later, it will become unimportant and irrelevant when compared to the functionality of the house.

Hint: A damp wall or ceiling may be a sign of plumbing or foundational issues. Cracks on the wall which could be either active (progressive) or dormant points and structural issues such as foundation soil settlement / movement, thermal movement, permeability of concrete, creeps, corrosion of the building reinforcement, moisture movement, etc. can all affect the functionality of the building.

2 – Don’t just look at it, check if it works:

Try your hands on everything. Turn on every faucet and every light switch, open every window and door, test the toilet flusher, check the water pressure and taste the water if you have to. Check and feel the walls for damp-rising.

5 crucial things to look out for before you buying a house

3 – Look Around the building and its environment:

 Even though we are focusing on purchasing a property, the environment where the property is, is equally important. If you have young children or love to host parties, check that the space around the property suits your preference. It is advised that you take note of the following when scrutinizing the environment of your potential home:

  • Parking space
  • Type/culture of the people living in the area
  • Any strange structures or construction sites.
  • How busy the road is
  • Is it located near a bar? If so, it can become rowdy in the evenings.
  • Drainage
  • Proximity to the bus stop, market or mall
  • The security.

4 – Is the location prone to flood?

Any professional realtor will advise a home seeker to carry out their search for a house during the rainy season. However, there are some tell-tale features to know if an area is prone to flood even during the dry season. These are:

  • Water marks on the fence and external walls of the building
  • Algae on the floor of the premises etc.
  • Damp rising in the internal walls
  • Flaking of the paint on the internal and external walls
  • Cracks on the wall
  • Humid smell in the rooms.

5 – The 5 Senses are not Enough:

A satisfied home inspection is still not enough reason to finally conclude that purchase. Because there’s only so much that you can do with your five senses, it is important that you get professionals to also do a proper check of the house. Also, ensure you request for the Mechanical & Electrical drawings. These drawings show the piping and electrical layout of the facilities in the house in case you have to carry out repairs such as plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning etc.

5 crucial things to look out for before you buying a house

These are the physical things to look out for when thinking of buying a house. Next time we will throw more light on the process and documentation aspects of buying a house.

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Pelumi Oduleye5 Crucial Things to Look Out For Before Buying a House
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